Monday, June 8, 2009

How to train a Miniature Pinscher Dog to Stop Barking

People constantly ask how to train a miniature pinscher dog, or any dog for that matter, to stop barking. Well I have heard several ways but from what I have seen there is one way that makes sense more than the others.

In most cases a dog barks for a reason. There could be many reasons such as: it needs to go potty, it heard a noise it wasn't familiar with, or there is someone knocking. But when a dog it young it may bark just to hear itself. The trick is first to determine why the dog is barking before you try to stop it. If there is a valid reason you definitely do not want to teach them not to in that case.

The key is to teach the dog when it is ok to bark. Once you determine if the barking is justified, then you can train a dog to stop barking. To accomplish this you will need treats to distract and reward your dog. Once your dog starts barking, immediately grab a treat and hold it in front and tell them to hush, stop barking, or whatever phrase you would like to use. Start off with a very short time, say 5 seconds. After the dog has stopped barking for 5 seconds give them the treat. The next time repeat the same process just slowly increasing the time. Always remember to reward them for doing what you want, this is how the training is accomplished. Also, be sure not to raise your voice, they will not understand what you are saying and you will not get the results you are looking for.

I know there are other methods to stop a dog from barking and in some cases they may work, but this is the one I have chosen and it seems to work well as long as you practice patience.

Some people out there swear by a stop dog barking collar. I am sure this works but I feel this is inhumane. It teaches the dog not to do something out of fear, and a scared dog is not a happy dog. Other people may swat the dog to get them to stop barking, but this goes with the same principles as the collars.

So if you are trying to figure out how to train a dog to stop barking, be sure to try this first as it is safe and effective.
If you need info onhouse training a puppy look here for some great tips.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What am I paying for with Miniature Pinscher Adoption

What am I paying for with miniature pinscher adoption? Where is my money actually going? Do they really have this much money in each dog they are adopting out?

These are all very reasonable questions. We will start of with what am I paying for with miniature pinscher adoption? First of all, you are paying them for their services. You are paying the salaries of the people working there, operating expenses, and any other costs they endure. The agency is a business like anything else out there and has to make money to stay open.

Where is my money actually going? Well that could be anywhere. They have bills just like everyone else does. They have lights, water, employees, and other expenses to keep working. Your money may not be going just to cover the dog you are adoptiong and the costs they have incurred with it.

Do they really have this much money in each dog they are adopting out? Chances are, no they don't. But that doesn't mean they are ripping you off. By keeping a flat adoption fee it assures them that everything will be paid and the dogs will get adopted fairly. Just think if you saw one dog for $75 and another for $250, both of the same breed. Which one would you want? Well that is pretty obvious, the cheaper one would get taken before the expensive one. Vet care is very expensive and costs can build up quickly. The fee you pay for one of their dogs covers a fraction of the full operating cost. They will definitely tell you if the dog you are getting has had any health issues. The ones with the health problems will have cost them more to take in, and have cost more money in vet bills.

So the next time you ask what am I paying for with miniature pinscher adoption, just remember they are a business too and are providing a great service to the community.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

What you need to know about Miniature Pinscher Adoption

It is very simple to find out what you need to know about miniature pinscher adoption. We will start off by saying this, while it is a noble thing for you to want to adopt, you first need to make sure you can handle all the responsibilities of owning a pet. Also, when you first get a new dog, it will require more attention so that it can get accustomed to you and its new surroundings. This may be a trying time as the dog may bark or whine for a while. Thats only because it doesn't know what is going on and is not sure what will happen yet.

All of that will get better with time. One thing that will always be there is the time you need to spend with it exercising and playing. You need to make sure your dog gets to release all of the extra energy. This will also keep him behaving properly. A dog with an excess of energy will find somewhere to expel that energy. They may take this out on furniture, walls, cords, or anything else they are not supposed to get into. Make sure to have plenty of toys to keep him or her busy.

The next very important aspect you need to make sure of is that the dog you adopt will have is health care. When you adopt a miniature pinscher or any other dog, it is imperative you can keep them on heartworm preventative, flea and tick medication, and he goes to the vet for regular checkups.

Anyone that is interested in miniature pinscher adoption should first read up on the breed and be sure that is what they are looking for. Read up on possible health problems, personality traits, or deformities.

I hope this answered all your questions about what you need to know about miniature pinscher adoption.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Benefits of Miniature Pinscher Adoption

The benefits of miniature pinscher adoption are endless. You are doing a great service for other families, businesses, and the dogs themselves. You are giving the min pin a new lease on life and a second chance at having a great home. This is a dog that at some point before may have had a loving family but for some unknown reason could not stay with them.

Or the dog came from a puppy mill or a home where it wasn't treated properly. By adopting a min pin you are correcting his or her past. The dog did nothing to deserve any wrong doing. So why should the min pin be punished. That is why adoption services that house miniature pinschers are great in my eyes. They understand that dogs deserve to be happy too.

The benefits of minature pinscher adoption include, but are not limited to, getting a dog that is up to date on shots and already altered, getiing a min pin that wants a family just as much as you want him, you are saving a life, and you will get great companionship for years to come.

Shelters and rescues depend on donations and adoption fees to provide the veterinary services available to keep the dogs in great health. This ensures the fact that you are going to get a dog that will live with you for a long time.

Now there are some cases where dogs are adopted as special needs dogs. Special needs miniature pinschers are classified as having health problems, temperament problems, or medical conditions. This is known up front so you know what is needed to keep the adoptive pup healthy and happy.

If you are thinking about getting a minpin, consider the benefits of miniature pinscher adoption.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Boarding your Miniature pinscher dogs

When going out of town, boarding your miniature pinscher dogs may be a concern. When you leave town you cannot leave your dogs home alone, that would just be inhumane.

Now you may have the option of leaving your dogs with family or friends when you go out of town, but that may not always be possible.

So for those of you going out of town, and needing someone to take care of your dog, consider boarding your miniature pinscher dogs, and check out dog kennels discussed

Miniature Pinscher Adoption

I know a lot of people have questions about miniature pinscher adoption.

Adopting is a great way to get yourself a dog that needs love more than others. Dogs are given up to shelters or to rescues when people can't take care of them to the level they need to be taken care of.

There are several corporations out there devoted just to miniature pinscher adoption. The Internet Miniature Pinscher service is one such company. They are a great company that screens their adopters well before letting a dog go to a home. They are very rigorous with their screening process to be sure each dog is placed in a home that will be a great home for life.

If you are looking for a pre loved dog that deserves to have another chance at a family, miniature pinscher adoption could be the option for you.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Health Concerns for miniature pinscher dogs

If you are looking at this breed, it is important to know the health concerns for miniature pinscher dogs.

Almost any breed out there has some disorders prone to them. I will tell you about the minpin and their issues in the past.

The first is Legg-Calve Perthes disease. It is a disease that affects the hips of the dog. It causes a deformed ball of the hip.

Hip Dysplasia is another disease that causes deformity of the hip joint.

Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI causes increased urinary excretion of dermatan sulfateand is due to an inherited lack of arylsulfatase B.

Demodectic Mange is caused by a microscopic mite in the dogs skin. This usually only affects dogs under one year of age.

Miniature Pinschers can also suffer from epilepsy causing them to have seizures.

One more rare item is defects of the heart, eyes, or thyroid condition. This is much more rare than any of the others but can cause some even bigger problems.

If you found yourself curious about health concerns for miniature pinscher dogs, I hope I have answered your questions.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Docking the tail on miniature pinscher dogs

Docking the tail on miniature pinscher dogs has been done for a long time. Actually its part of the breed standard. But why you may ask.

This started as a safety matter for dogs while working to stop them from getting injured chasing down rats and other rodents. It was also to stop them from being stepped on in the field by other farm animals. Now, however, with most dogs being more for companionship rather than working dogs, it is more for looks than purpose. This i however still required by breed standard.

Tail docking should be done before the min pin is 5 days old. It would be inhumane to perform this procedure after this due to the nerves being developed at this point. If done in time the puppy will feel no pain and will heal with no problem. Anything after this point would be considered an amputation and should only be done with valid reasons.

If you are curious about docking the tail on miniature pinscher dogs, look no further.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Where to buy Miniature Pinscher Dogs

If you want to know where to buy miniature pinscher dogs you have come to the right place. The best place to buy miniature pinscher dogs is always a dedicated breeder. A good breeder cares about the breed and breeds to improve the dogs. Yes, you will spend more on the dog initially, but it will cost you less money and stress in the long run. Dependable breeders will make sure the dog is in good health, socialize the puppy, and start with the first shots.

If you want to know where to buy miniature pinscher dogs that are a bit older you can find them at local shelters or rescue centers. There are dedicated rescues strictly for miniature pinscher dogs. These dogs are usually spayed or neutered and up to date on shots. If you are looking for miniature pinscher dogs but do not want a puppy shelters or rescues are your best bet.

A bad example of where to buy miniature pinscher dogs is whats known as a backyard breeder. A backyard breeder breeds dogs for a profit. Because of this the dogs are kept in unsuitable conditions, not socialized properly, not taken care of, and are not bred for quality. Backyard breeders may advertise in local newspapers, internet ads, or may sell them at a flea market.

This is the information on where to buy miniature pinscher dogs, keep this in mind when looking for your next family pet.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How to train Miniature Pinscher Dogs

If you ask anyone how to train miniature pinscher dogs, you will get a different answer from almost everyone.Training miniature pinscher dogs, like any other dogs, takes time and patience. It is impossible for any animal to learn everything in a day. You must stick with it and reward the dog for any success he has. Every dog is different, and will learn at a different pace. One main thing to remember is not to punish them if they don't get it right away. It takes a lot of effort to get them where they need to be. You need to learn your miniature pinscher dogs personality, and figure out the best time and place to do your training session. Asking how to train miniature pinscher dogs is just like asking how to teach someone to tie their shoes. It will take many times for them to finally get it. Just remember to reward them right away or they will not know what you are rewarding them for. After reading this you should have a basic idea of how to train miniature pinscher dogs.

If you were to ask me how to train miniature pinscher dogs I would first have to say definitely positive reinforcement training. Giving them a treat when they are successful. Praising them anytime they do as you wish. This is the best way I know how to train miniature pinscher dogs.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Miniature Pinscher Dogs

A few months ago I got one of the miniature pinscher dogs for myself. He is a small dog with a lot of energy. We got him from someone that could no longer take care of him the way he deserved to be taken care of so they gave him to me. I was more than happy to take him. I was looking for an older dog at the time to go along with my puppy I have. He turned out to be a great lapdog. He has a lot of energy but can curl up next to you at anytime without a problem.

When we got him the first thing we did was take him to the vet to get him up to date on his shots and get him checked out to make sure he was healthy. Miniature pinscher dogs are not prone to too many health conditions which is a good thing. The vet did inform us, though, that he has heartworms. This was caused by the previous owner not keeping him on preventative medication. Well we checked around and over all treatment is going to cost us about $4oo. I can deal with that. Min Pins live around 13 to 15 years and he is only 7 so it is definitely worth it to have him healthy so that he can be a part of our family for years to come. Heartgard for dogs is a great medication used to prevent heartworms.

We have had him for sbout 3 months now and he is a blast to have at the house. The way he runs around playing with his toys. Fortunately he was already housebroken when we got him so that saved some training. Since we don't have to do that we started training him on other things. He knows how to sit, lay down, and shake. He is learning more and more every day. Miniature pinscher dogs are very smart and learn very quickly. Min pins are also very eager to please their owners and are very happy to get rewarded.

His previous owners had named him Winston. I did not like that name at all so I changed it to MOJO. He learned that very quickly as well. I love having him. He has definitely been a great addition to the family. So far miniature pinscher dogs seem to fit well with me.

If you found this helpful, miniature pinscher dogs may be for you. By the way, Cute Puppy Pictures is another dog site that I really like.

Also if you are interested in what is involved in heartworm treatment and heartgard for dogs , check out my other blog by clicking the link.